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All Is for Your Glory | Jesus Image

조회수 130

All Is for Your Glory | Jesus Image

There's just one chief end to man's purposeOne main reason for existenceAll man's vain and high ambitionsWill one day be brought low, will one day be brought low

There's just one chief end to man's purposeOne main reason for existenceAll man's vain and high ambitionsWill one day be brought low, will one day be brought low

To treasure You above all othersTo love You like we love no otherYour greatness soon will be uncoveredAnd all the earth will then know, and all the earth will then know

PRE-For You alone will be exalted in that dayWorthless goals will be exposed as idols that we've madeFor You alone will be exalted in that dayYou'll be seen as rightful King and from our hearts we'll say that

All is for Yourglory, all is forYour name, all is for Your gloryThat in all things Youmay have firstplaceThat in all things Youmay have preeminence

So putme anywhere, just put Your glory inmeI'll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beautySo putme anywhere, just put Your glory inmeI'll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beautyCatch me up in Your story

All mylife forYour gloryMy God, My joy, My delight