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A Thousand Hallelujahs - Brooke Ligertwood

조회수 82

A Thousand Hallelujahs - Brooke Ligertwood

Who else would rocks cry out to worship?Whose glory taught the stars to shine?Perhaps creation longs to have the words to singBut this joy is mine

With a thousand hallelujahsWe magnify Your nameYou alone deserve the gloryThe honor and the praiseLord JesusThis song is forever YoursA thousand hallelujahsAnd a thousand more
Who else would die for our redemption?Whose resurrection means I'll rise?There isn't time enough to sing of all You've doneBut I have eternity to try
With a thousand hallelujahsWe magnify Your nameYou alone deserve the gloryThe honor and the praiseLord JesusThis song is forever YoursA thousand hallelujahsAnd a thousand more
Praise to the LordTo the lambTo the King of HeavenPraise for He roseNow He reignsWe will sing foreverPraise to the LordTo the lambTo the King of HeavenPraise for He roseNow He reignsWe will sing forever
With a thousand hallelujahsWe magnify Your nameYou alone deserve the gloryThe honor and the praiseLord JesusThis song is forever YoursA thousand hallelujahsAnd a thousand more
Praise to the LordTo the lambTo the king of heavenPraise for He roseNow He reignsWe will sing forever
With a thousand hallelujahsWe magnify Your nameYou alone deserve the gloryThe honor and the praiseLord JesusThis song is forever YoursA thousand hallelujahsAnd a thousand more

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